Student Council Mission Statement

"We, the Student Council, are committed to encourage a relational environment that strengthens the Christ-centered and unified community of MHS through spirit, service and integrity."

Student Leadership

The Student Council is an integral part of the student community at Maranatha High School. Student Council officers are elected yearly by the students to represent them in various school-related events. The officers are placed in our Student Council course (during the school day) which provides leadership training for these student leaders.

In Student Council, the officers meet with their advisors to address student issues, school spirit, school activities, and student conduct.

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Dusty Sanderson

    Dusty Sanderson 

    Theology Faculty/Student Leadership Co-Advisor
  • Photo of Suzanne Fernandez

    Suzanne Fernandez 

    College Counselor/Student Leadership Co-Advisor

List of 12 items.

  • Uprising

    At the beginning of each year, the Student Council works to put on Uprising for the entire student body. This is a day of games where classes can bond with each other in competition (with various games) and in chapel (where the spiritual theme is announced for the year). The food and fun of Uprising create a sense of community.
  • Freshman Elections

    All new freshman interested in developing his or her leadership skills and serving MHS should make sure to run for a Student Council position. Details on how to run will be announced in school.
  • Homecoming and Spirit Week

    Each fall, preceding Homecoming, the Student Council organizes Spirit Week. During Spirit Week, students enjoy fun activities, dress-up days, and a pep rally.
  • Homecoming Dance

    This annual semi-formal dance for students typically is held the day after our homecoming game. Location and theme are revealed a couple weeks prior to the dance.
  • Homecoming Game

    The Homecoming football game is a great time for students, alumni, parents, faculty and staff to celebrate MHS and enjoy one another's company. Go Minutemen!
  • Winter Dance

    The Senior Class sponsors a Winter Dance for students.
  • Spring Spirit Week

    This is a week filled with dress-up days and class competitions to raise school spirit.
  • Powder Puff

    The junior girls battle the senior girls in our traditional Powder Puff flag football game.
  • Student Council Cabinet Elections

    Students will vote on qualified candidates running for the Student Council Cabinet (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer).
  • Spiritual Emphasis Week

    The school uses this week to focus on the spiritual theme for the year, to hear from special speakers in chapel each day, and to emphasize how God is working on campus.
  • Class Officer Elections

    During Class Officer Elections, students vote on candidates interested in serving their school as Class President, VP and Representatives.
  • Prom

    This is the formal dance for the spring sponsored by the Junior Class.
    View Dance Contract HERE.