What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Service Days

The Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week have been set aside as Service Days, offering our students a unique opportunity to live out Maranatha’s mission to serve others. Here’s what you need to know.

As a core part of our school’s mission and values, we encourage students to actively engage in service each year. During the Fall, students typically volunteer with their Advisory Groups, working together to complete meaningful projects that make a positive impact on our community. This experience fosters teamwork, empathy, and a commitment to serving others in a Christ-centered way.

For students unable to participate in their Advisory Group’s chosen project, attendance on campus is required on Monday, November 25, and Tuesday, November 26, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm to complete campus beautification projects alongside staff members. Serving on these days fulfills each student’s service requirement and provides them with the chance to contribute to their immediate school community.

Students who have already completed their service hours with their Advisory Group, or plan to complete their hours with their Advisory Group apart from the Service Days, are not required to attend school on November 25 and 26.

If you have any questions about your student’s service project, please reach out to their Advisory Group leader. For questions specific to the November 25-26 Service Days, please email Matt Fernandez at m_fernandez@mhs-hs.org.

Thank you for supporting our students as they embrace the value of service and growing as leaders who impact the world for Christ.