Parents in Prayer: Lifting Up Our School Community Together

By Jane Podrebarac, PA Parents in Prayer Coordinator
Every Tuesday morning, immediately after drop-off, parents gather in the Student Center to meet for a time of prayer and fellowship. 

We look at God's Word, meditate on His character, and begin our week with praise and thankfulness. All parents, guardians, or grandparents are welcome to join us in lifting up our school community before the Lord.
The purpose of Parents in Prayer is to offer a dedicated time to focus on inviting God into the daily lives of our students, teachers, staff, and school. This gathering is more than just a prayer group—it’s a place for parents to come together in unity, knowing that we are not alone in our desire to see our children and school thrive spiritually.
The heart of our group is simple: we meet together to praise God, to reflect on His unchanging character, and to intercede for the needs of our school community. We believe that prayer is powerful, and through it, we are participating in the work God is doing in and through Maranatha. Our hope is for a prayer-fueled spiritual revival on our campus—a movement that brings about a thriving relationship with Jesus for every student and strengthens the mission of Maranatha for years to come.
Each week, we begin by focusing on an aspect of God’s character. By grounding our prayer in Scripture, we shift our perspective from our immediate concerns to the greatness and goodness of God. Whether we’re looking at God’s love, His faithfulness, His wisdom, or His justice, this time in God’s Word helps us start with hearts full of praise and gratitude.
This focus on God’s character helps set the tone for our time together. Before we begin asking for anything, we take time to thank and praise Him for who He is. We remember that He is in control, He is good, and He desires to see His plans fulfilled at Maranatha.
Our prayer time has a structure to ensure that all areas of our school community are covered in prayer:
  1. Prayers for Teachers and Staff: We lift up the educators and administrators who serve our students daily. We pray for their strength, wisdom, and encouragement, asking God to guide them as they shape young lives both academically and spiritually.
  2. Prayers for the Students: We pray for the spiritual and emotional well-being of our students, that they would have thriving relationships with Jesus and be lights for Him in their school and beyond. We ask for God’s protection over them and for His presence to be evident in their lives.
  3. Prayers for School Concerns: Whether it’s specific challenges facing the school, upcoming events, or broader issues the school is facing, we come together to ask for God’s intervention and guidance. We believe that through prayer, God can bring about change and provide solutions where needed.
  4. Prayers for Maranatha’s Mission: Maranatha exists to equip students with an education that integrates faith and academics for the glory of God. We pray that the school’s mission will continue to be carried out with passion and excellence. Our desire is for the spiritual atmosphere of the school to be vibrant, with students and staff alike growing in their knowledge of and relationship with Jesus.
No Experience Required! 
We understand that prayer can feel intimidating, especially if you’ve never been part of a group like this before. But rest assured—there’s no pressure to pray aloud, and no experience is required to attend. Some parents come and simply listen, while others feel led to pray. Whether you’re a seasoned prayer warrior or someone just beginning to explore what it means to pray, you are welcome here. Our time together is casual, relaxed, and open to all who have a heart for our school and a desire to see God move.
Practical Details:
  • When: Tuesdays, immediately after drop-off, at 8:30 am
  • Where: The conference room on the second floor of the Student Center
  • Service Hours: Parents can earn 1 service hour for attending the Parents in Prayer meeting in person
If you want to be added to our email list and receive the weekly prayer sheet, you can reach us at We hope the prayer sheet serves as a helpful guide, whether you can join us in person or wish to pray from home.
Our vision is to see God work in powerful ways—raising up students who know Him and love Him, supporting staff who lead with wisdom and grace, and building a school community rooted in faith. Through our prayers, we believe that God can ignite a spiritual revival on our campus and beyond, leading to a transformation that impacts not only this generation, but generations to come. 