News Detail

Doubling Your Impact: Transforming Lives at Maranatha

The generosity of Maranatha’s supporters plays a pivotal role in shaping the lives of our students, ensuring they receive more than just an education—they receive guidance, mentorship, and a strong foundation for their future.

Principal Dan Newkirk ’97 reflects on his own Maranatha journey, “I'm reminded of the profound impact Mrs. Sandy Pelletier had on me and countless others. Her unwavering dedication to excellence not only prepared us for academic challenges but also instilled a deep appreciation for the elegance and beauty of mathematics. She embodied the truth that academic excellence and a robust Christian faith are ultimately complementary and reinforcing. Her influence, like that of many of our esteemed faculty, continues to resonate with our students long after they graduate.”

Contributions from our supporters make stories like his possible. These donations allow us to attract and retain talented faculty members who embody our mission and empower our students to excel academically, grow spiritually, and positively impact the world around them.

Would you consider supporting the Maranatha Fund so that we can continue to retain and attract the talented faculty members who make our mission happen?

A Tribute to a Teacher: Your tax-deductible contribution can be given to honor a Maranatha teacher who made a difference in your life or your child's life. Simply fill out the tribute section of our online donation form and we will do our best to pass along your remarks to the honoree.

We are thrilled to announce that your donation today will have double the impact, thanks to the generosity of anonymous donors who are matching gifts up to $75,000. Your support will directly contribute to the transformative experiences we offer at Maranatha.

Thank you for partnering with us in this important work of shaping young hearts and minds. Your contribution, no matter the size, is deeply valued and greatly appreciated.